Competition Classes

Scroll down for Specialty Classes

Session Class Fee – $160: Classes are 55 minutes and run for six weeks.

Register now for Open or Utility competition classes. NOTE: See Specialty Classes below for current offerings.

Open and Utility classes are designed for the aspiring obedience exhibitor through the seasoned competitor. We offer intro classes which teach basic skills for both Open and Utility and advanced classes for more advanced students. Great opportunities are offered for exhibitors to develop a variety of purposeful training techniques and specific strategies to fit their dog.

Open Intermediate/Advanced (not currently offered)

Designed for students who already have Open skills.

Open/Utility Intro
Offers both Open and Utility instruction.

  1. Open Exercises: Command discrimination/signals, drop on recall, retrieve on flat and high jump, broad jump and stand get your leash.
  2. Utility Exercises: Signals, scent articles, gloves, moving stand, go outs and directed jumping..
  3. Ring Management: Ring entry and transitions.

Utility Mixed Level Class Information

  1. This class is for the beginning, intermediate or advanced Utility handler/dog. Understand that the class works on pieces of the exercises and not on polishing an exercise.
  2. Dogs should be in the learning stages of and develop a basic understanding of each of the exercises.
  3. Handlers should have read the description of the Utility exercises and understand the principal parts of each exercise.
  4. Dogs should have a reliable retrieve, be able to heel off leash, and have a reliable recall.
  5. This class does not teach heeling but will use some heeling in the teaching of the signal exercise.
  6. Dogs can be at any level in the scent discrimination exercise. The method used is up to the student.
  7. Minor distractions are used as appropriate.
  8. Both the dog and handler get to work on various parts of each exercise.
  9. Emphasis is on a happy working relationship between dog and handler.

Utility Advanced Class Information

  1. This class is for development and refinements of all Utility class skills.
  2. Students should understand all of the exercises.
  3. Students’ should be able to do all Utility exercises and dogs should have a basic understanding of each exercise.
  4. It is not necessary to have full length go outs but dog should understand the command to go and to sit. They should understand the hand direction to jump.
  5. This is not a heeling class. Dogs should be able to heel with handlers and understand the stand signal. Full distance in signals is not required and will be further developed in this class.
  6. Students may still be on a tie down mat with articles but dogs should already be introduced to the article exercise.
  7. Ring distractions are utilized in this class.

Specialty Classes

ADOG offers Offering a wide variety of specialty classes; some that focus on a particular foundation element, while others hone competition skills.

Already know your class? Use the appropriate link below.

Puppy Competition

Our Puppy Competition class is for handlers who have previously titled a dog, are interested in competing at trials or have been through our Competition classes. Puppies will be introduced to Novice, Open and Utility exercises. Puppies over six months will be approved on a case by case basis.

Register now for Puppy Competition:

Heeling Rx

Interested in honing you and your dog’s heeling skills? Heeling Rx is your prescription! This class is designed to address specific heeling problems through the use of attention-building, fine-tuning exercises, proofing, and varied and complex distractions.

Prerequisite: Must be at Obedience Advanced level or above.

Register now for Heeling Rx:

Scent Work

This will be a beginner level Scent Work class that will work on foundations of scent work.  We will be using paired hides as well as other odor teaching concepts.  Birch will be the primary odor used, but towards the end of the session we will introduce Anise.  You will be provided odor swabs to take home towards the end of the session.


Your dog does not have to have prior odor work, but your dog does need to know basic manners on leash and be kept under control.  And if your dog has been on odor already, this training will still be beneficial as foundation/practice work.

Run Thru – Novice/Open/Utility (not currently offered)

For Novice, it will be on lead with figure-8; Open will be off lead with figure-8; Utility will be off lead with signals at the end of heeling. Different patterns will be offered each week, some distractions may be presented, feedback will be given if requested, but it is not an instructor lead’ class. (i.e., I’ll tell you what I see, but it’s not a teaching class.)
Although students may be asked to participate in other students runs (i.e. figure-8 posts, distractions, etc.), the class will have a lot of unassisted training time.

Prerequisite: This class is open to those dogs ready to practice Novice, Open or Utility HEELING portions only.

Register now for Run Thru – Novice/Open/Utility:

Trick Dog (not currently offered)

Not currently being offered.
ADOG is offering the new AKC Trick Dog titling class. The American Kennel Club announced the launch of the AKC Trick Dog program effective May 1, 2017. The program will include four levels allowing dogs with any amount of experience the ability to participate. Teaching your dog tricks is enjoyable for you, mentally stimulating for their dogs and can take place at any time or place that fits your lifestyle.

The primary goal of trick dog training is having fun. Tricks can be both entertaining and practical, such as teaching a dog ‘paws up’ for a therapy setting. Trick dog training makes a team out of the handler and dog.

All dogs (purebred and mixed breeds), can earn Trick Dog titles provided the dog is AKC-registered, enrolled with AKC Canine Partners, or enrolled in the Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) program. The titles will be listed on the dog’s AKC record and will appear on pedigrees.

Participants should have completed basic manners/obedience coursework (i.e., Pet Manners, AKC Canine Good Citizen) or equivalent. You can get complete details about the AKC Trick Dog Program on the American Kennel Club’s web site (opens in new window/tab).

Register now for Trick Dog:

Retrieve – 30 Minute Class (not currently offered)

Five student maximum.
You must bring a dumbbell. This class is for dogs who are being introduced to the retrieve or for dogs who have had problems and need to start over with a new technique. Dogs will learn skills to take, hold and carry a dumbbell. We will study, in detail, the retrieve chapter in Open Obedience by William Koehler. You can buy a used copy on Amazon.

A reliable retrieve is within the grasp of any handler. The ear pinch is much maligned and often ineffective because of lack of education and preparation. We will study Koehler’s careful approach.

Prerequisite: Dog must have an extremely reliable sit-stay, be under control on leash and be willing to let you hold his/her muzzle. Please bring three different types of soft treats: good, great and fantastic! Bring a dumbbell. Don’t forget to get The Koehler Method of Dog Training book (can be purchased on Amazon).

Register now for Retrieve:

Open Intro (not currently offered)

Not currently being offered
To join this class, dog must have the following: retrieve, reliable sit/down stays, under off-leash voice control, allow muzzle/mouth to be touched. Exercises that will be taught: drop on recall, broad jump, high jump (not necessarily with a retrieve), command discrimination will be taught to be performed at a short distance of about 10 feet. Skills needed to advance to Open class: reliable retrieve (with correction for non-retrieve, close drop, broad jump with limited guides, high jump (with or without retrieve).

  • Rules and regulations will be presented and discussed.
  • Individual components of the exercises will be taught and practiced before attempting to combine the parts into a complete exercise.
  • The classes will be small so that each team will get individual attention.
  • This will be an ongoing process so that each team can continue to hone their skills until they are proficient enough to move up to the Open class.

Register now for Open Intro:

Utility Intro (not currently offered)

Not currently being offered
The Utility Intro class is designed to familiarize the new utility student and/or dog to all the Utility Exercises in preparation for moving into the regular Utility Class. Equipment needed is leash and collar, Utility Articles, Utility gloves and any guides you use to assist your dog. Maximum 6 students.

  • Rules and regulations will be presented and discussed.
  • Individual components of the exercises will be taught and practiced before attempting to combine the parts into a complete exercise.
  • The classes will be small so that each team will get individual attention.
  • This will be an ongoing process so that each team can continue to hone their skills until they are proficient enough to move up to the Utility class.

Prerequisites: Off lead heeling, a reliable retrieve, a reliable recall and familiarization with jumps.

Register now for Utility Intro:

Open/Utility Skills (not currently offered)

This class is not currently offered.
The goal of this class is to dig into the skills needed for advanced obedience competition. We break down each exercise into minute parts and work mostly one-on-one with each dog/handler team to increase understanding of the exercises, problem-solve and build confidence. We address each team’s individual strengths and weaknesses.

Prerequisite: Dog must be reliable on Novice exercises and under control off leash. Dog must have at least basic jumping and retrieving skills.

Register now for Open/Utility Skills:

Focus/Attention (not currently offered)

Not currently being offered.
This class will zero in on the causes of attention problems both in training and in the ring. We will play games to build focus and drive in setting up for exercises, during exercises (mainly heeling) and in transitioning between exercises.

Prerequisite: Obedience Novice or higher

Register now for Focus/Attention:

Heeling Competition/Fronts & Finishes (not currently offered)

This class is designed to help dogs and handlers currently competing to maintain and improve scores. This class will only focus on Heeling and Fronts and Finishes. Through the use of difficult and varied distractions, which include visual, auditory, scent and touch, for proofing, the goal is to improve focus and attention. Quick choppy heeling patterns, use of gate mazes, unusual heeling patterns and obstacles help handlers not only get used to handling in difficult situations, but learn to think quickly with their dog. Recreating difficult situations that might occur at a dog show, recall work and group exercises are also worked and proofed as time permits.

Prerequisite: This class is open to those dogs who have completed our Obedience Advanced class or equivalent.

Register now for Heeling Competition/Fronts & Finishes: