Registration Form - Classes Matthew Twitty

We are excited to bring Matt back for six monthly classes and private lessons. We will be offering, two Utility classes at 10a and 11a and Open at 12p as well as private lessons.

Class Schedule:

  • Dates (Friday, six monthly dates)
  • 12/13 | 01/10 cancelled | 02/14 | 03/07| 04/18| 05/02 | 06/06
Class Fee: (Six Monthly Classes)
  • One Class-$175, Two Classes $325
  • ADOG Staff: One Class-$150, Two Classes-$275
  • You must prepay for your class either via Zelle to or send a check to ADOG -13275 Cogburn Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Credit payment not available.
Class Times: (one hour )
  • Utility (maximum 6 dogs) 10am--11am
  • Utility (maximum 6 dogs) 11am--12pm
  • Open (maximum 8 dogs) 12pm--1pm
  • Lunch Break 1pm--1:30pm
Private Lessons: (half hour)
  • You will need to register separately for Private Lessons.
  • Times: 1:30pm to 7pm. Private Lesson in half hour increments. No back-to-back private with same dog.
  • Half hour Fee: $80 | ADOG Staff $60
  • You must prepay for your private either via Zelle to 770-986-8317 or send a check to ADOG -4729 Old Highgate entry-Stone Mountain 30083. Credit payment not available.
Observing Classes:
  • If you would like to observe other classes, you may do so at $15 per class.
  • This will be on the honor system and you can put your cash or check in jar provided.
  • ADOG Staff free.

I hereby certify that all dogs being registered are current on all vaccinations (not just Rabies)
Class Cost: One Class $175| Two Classes $325 ----- ADOG Staff: One Class $150 | Two Classes $275
Payment Info: Via Zelle (preferred) to 770-986-8317 or check to ADOG-13275 Cogburn Rd-Alpharetta, GA 30004. DO NOT pay if you selected "Add to Waiting List".