How do I volunteer?
Email ADOG (please include the date of the event you’re volunteering for and class you prefer) or let Michelle, Page or Sharon know at class or call 770-986-8317. To see who is coordinating, check the Events Calendar for the date you in which are interested. Volunteers receive two free run throughs.
Do I need to register?
ONLY after your volunteer position is confirmed by the coordinator, complete a Volunteer Registration. You will then be included on the list of entries. You get two free runs and you MUST select your slot numbers on the registration form. You can choose any slot number even if it is already taken by another exhibitor.
Can I volunteer to coordinate an ADOG event?
Absolutely! We’d love to have you and as a way of our saying “thanks”, you can choose $50 cash or one-half class credit. Sharon, Page or Michelle will be available to help you through your first Show & Go and Ann will provide all necessary paperwork.